About Me
For the most up to date news, litter announcements, photos and dog show wins, please clink on the link to my instagram page!
Broadway Dobermans and Standard Poodles is a reputable preservation breeder and home based kennel producing Dobermans and Standard Poodles for the AKC and CKC show ring, performance sport (obedience, agility, dock diving, rally etc) and as loving companions and family members since 2001. We are located on 7 acres in Northumberland County, 15 minutes north of Cobourg and 1.5 hours east of Toronto. ​
All litters come from CKC or AKC registered, fully health tested parents. The sire and dam of the litters have CKC or AKC Championships or both!
We have conformation champions and companion pets who live all over Canada and the USA.
OFA hip, elbows and eyes. Full cardiac workups. Blood panels, liver, kidney and thyroid panels. Plus all DNA testing for VwD, SA (Sebacious Adenitis), Neonatal Encephalopathy, DM (Degenerative myelopathy) plus coat colour DNA. All testing done through Vetgen and Embark. All of the OFA results are public and can be researched on the OFA, Orthopaedic Foundation of America website.
All puppies have had early neurological stimulation, raised with Puppy Culture, Volhard Temperament tested, graded for conformation and go home with a written health guarantee​ and a lifetime of breeder support.
​I am a member in good standing of The Canadian Kennel Club, The Poodle Club Of Canada, The Doberman Pinscher Club of Canada and the Doberman Pinscher Club of America.
I am also a committee member of The Doberman Pinscher Club of America's new platform called Generation Forward. We provide education and support to new DPCA members and we are a liaison linking these new members to mentors in the breed.

My First Doberman Lily

2022 was an AMAZING show year!
6 American Champions and 6 Canadian Champions!​

Besides my love of dogs, dobermans & poodles in particular, I am also a Broadway singer/performer.
That's my 'day' job. Broadway shows in New York City, US National Tours and Mirvish shows in Toronto.
Shows like The Lion King, Lord Of The Rings, Pricilla Queen Of The Desert, Kinky Boots, Come From Away ect.
I've performed all over the world singing in musical shows and concerts. You can check out my personal webpages by clicking the links below!

The Doberman.
The Cadillac of Dogs.

Dante - Am CH/Can GCH Broadway's A Case Of You

Nova - Am CH/Can GCH Broadway's Both Sides Now
In the beginning, the only thing I knew about dobermans, is that I wanted one! Their beauty, athleticism, smarts, attitude. To me it was the perfect package. So I went out looking for one. Of course, I made all the first time buyer mistakes as well. I knew nothing of reputable breeders, health testing, titles and temperment evaluations, and I bought my first female Lily out of the paper. She is not conformatally correct, but luckily she had a friendly, though shy temperament and beyond all luck, she lived until 3 months shy of 14 years old! Lily was your typical velcro dobe and was happiest when she was right next to me.
In 2005, When Lily was 5, I decided to add to my doberman family, and this time looked for a top notch breeder. Someone who was breeding for health and solid teperament, and was active in the dog world working and putting titles on their dogs. That is how I became friends with Ray Carlise of Cara Dobermans in NY. He sold me a male out of a great litter, and I named him Strider. Strider was everything you could ask for in a doberman. He was a great example of the breed both physically and mentally. He was beautiful and bomb proof and bold as brass. He was funny, full of himself, and beyond confident. Friendly with both humans and dogs, he became a certified therpay dog and went to hopspitals and old age homes regularly to visit people who wanted to spend time with a dog. I lost Strider just shy of his 7th birthday to complications of Lymphoma. He did six months of chemo and two half body radiations and was cancer free to the end. Many thanks to the team at the OVC in Guelph. He was such a good boy.
After I lost Strider, I decided to persue a dream I had always had, but not been able to fulfill. To show my own doberman in the conformation ring and get a championship. With my work schedule for the past 20 years, that would have been impossible. Working on stage and only having Mondays off really does not leave you much opportunity to go to dog shows or competitions on the weekends! One of the trade offs for a life in the theatre!!!
So in January 2012, I blocked off time and bought myself a 'show dog'! I contacted Sandra Hunter of Bruda Dobermans in Chicago, and I was lucky enough to get one of the two show males she had held back. I named him Rudolph, as I got him just after Christmas, and as he is red and looks like a reindeer. Rudy was to be my first 'show' dog and boy did he teach me a thing or two about training a dog for the ring! He is out of CH Bruda The Artist Is Savannah (Savannah), who was co bred by Sandi and Cheri Holmes and sired by GCH Cambria's Out For Justice (Nick) bred by Ann and Jim White of Cambria Dobermans. Rudy finished his Canadian Championship owner handled in Novemeber of 2013. Rudy is also involved in agility.
The show bug caught, and I wanted a great quality bitch to show and to hopefully become my foundation bitch of my own breeding program in the future. As they say, the universe shows you the way and things happen for a reason. I was not really actively looking for said bitch, as Rudy was still young and I had things I wanted to do with him first but a casual email turned into one of the best things that could have happened!
I had known Greg and Theresa of ConnQuest Dobermans from the dog shows. Their male special Gage, was a dog that not only was so impressive to look at but who reminded me a lot of Strider. They were having a repeat breeding of Dani & Gage. Both American and Canadian Grand Champions and both exceptional representations of the breed. Gage was also the #1 Doberman in Canada, the #1 Working Dog in Canada and #11 All breeds in Canada 2013. Quite the accomplishement as Gage is owner handled by Greg.
So it came to be that I would get a show bitch from this fantastic breeding, and I named her Vega after the star! Vega, the brightest star in the constellation Lyra. Vega has been extensively studied by astronomers, leading it to be termed "arguably the next most important star in the sky after the Sun."
Vega has a temperament like Strider. Bold as brass. She is beautiful and bombproof. She's never spooked, she adjusts to new situations in seconds, and is happy and inquisitive all the time. A little Jumping bean! She was an easy dog to handle in the ring and I finished her Canadian Championship at 8 months, with a best puppy in group. She finished her American Championship with 4 Majors, 2 of which she won on the competitive Florida circuit.
I am lucky to have Theresa Connors Chan of ConnQuest Dobermans, Colleen Nicholson and Cindy Kelso of Kelview Dobermans and Jocelyn Mullins of Protocol Dobermans as friends and mentors on the journey of breeding quality and competitive dobermans. Fantastic support, mentorship and friendship.
And that is what I intend to offer all of my own puppy buyers in the future. Support, mentorship and friendship.
Please feel free to follow the NEWS section of this website to keep up to date on all of the goings on of Broadway Dobermans.
Elegant - Proud - Clever
Fancy - pictured to the right, came to me just after my first Doberman Lily passed away at just shy of 14. Fancy was a present to myself. I've always wanted a white poodle so I could learn grooming and later do some creative grooming with her.
Fancy is sweet, smart, and the easiest dog I've ever owned, and thus began my love of the poodle breed.
Many people laugh and call them dobermans in drag. As they have very similar structure, with the main difference being coat! Of course, you won't find dobermans springing straight up in the air like a poodle. Poodles definitely have springs on their feet.
Poodles are easy to live with, great family companions, and excel at all levels of dog competition, in all avenues.
I am so very fortunate to have Renee Koch of Gardenpath Poodles as my great friend and poodle mentor.

Fancy - Can GCH Marubi's VegaStar

Valentino - Am/Can CH Broadway's I'm Just A Fancy Latin Loverboy
Ooh La La - Am/Can GCH Broadway's Ooh La La So Fancy For Protocol