CH Marubi's VegaStar
Fancy came to me just after my old Doberman Lily passed away. Fancy was a present to myself. I've always wanted a white poodle so I could learn grooming and later do some creative grooming with her.
Fancy is sweet, smart, and the easiest dog I've ever owned.
She was shown for three weekends in April 2015 and finished her last show with a Best Of Breed and a Group 3rd.
She is out of
Kaylen's Two Black Cadillacs
(CH Kaylen's Cadillac Style x CH Dacun's Black Rasberry)
CH Marubi's Blame It On Rio
(CH Kaylen's I Believe At Boca x Ch Marubi's Thalpet)
She is the Dam to 5 Canadian Championd and 2 American Champions!
Fancy places Group 4th under Judge Thomas Alexander.
Fancy and her Group 4th ribbon.

Fancy finishing her Championship with a Group 3rd under Judge David Swartwood.

OFA Hips - Good
OFA Elbows - Normal
OFA Eyes - Normal March- 2020
Liver, Kidney, Thyroid - Normal
VwD Clear - Vetgen
NE Clear - Vetgen
DM Clear - Vetgen
Macrothromocytopenia Clear - Vetgen
White - carries white